Helping the legal profession adapt and innovate

The legal profession has come a long way as we have moved from asking why we need to innovate and leverage technology to asking how we go about it. However, we are still only starting to take advantage of the opportunities that many other industries have embraced for many years.

Legal has arguably tinkered around the edges with some automation tools for years, but generative AI, and Chat GPT (taking the world by storm over the past 12 months), has brought AI into the mainstream. This is no longer a future conversation – it is now, as everything is moving much quicker than many had predicted.

Again, we are just at the start of this journey, but AI has the ability to fundamentally change how the legal profession work. It doesn’t mean we all need to be using it today, but we do need to know what is out there, and what may be coming. AI is going to get better and better. It is important that we explore the opportunities that AI can provide to enhance how we work, so that we are not left behind in this transformation.

At the same time, most law firms are facing greater pressures from their clients to reduce costs, whilst delivering faster and better legal services.

We have already seen how the necessities caused by the pandemic demonstrated that the legal profession could adapt and work differently if they had to. Barriers to change quickly disappeared as many were forced to make changes to traditional practices in weeks that may have previously taken years to implement.

With so much changing, and quickly, the following innovations will continue to be essential –

  1. People, Process and then Technology: Innovation starts with people and processes, with technology serving as an enabler rather than a standalone solution. It’s crucial to understand business goals and determine how technology can facilitate achieving them.
  2. Client-Centric Focus: While internal efficiency improvements are commendable, the focus must shift towards client needs. Continually evaluating services from the client’s perspective, and adapting to their changing requirements is vital.
  3. Continuous Adaptation: As we embrace a “new normal,” the legal profession must continue evolving and exploring new ways of working and delivering services. Staying up-to-date with advancements, market trends, available technology, and competitors is essential to stay relevant.
  4. A Culture of Innovation: Building a culture that fosters innovation, curiosity, adaptability, and is open to change is key. Such an environment will encourage the generation of new ideas and the implementation of improvements.

In this age of disruption, you simply cannot stand still, as everything moves so quickly – your requirements change, your clients’ requirements change, whilst your technology and processes can quickly become obsolete. It is important to keep abreast of what is available, what others are doing, and what is around the corner – to find the right path to suit you!

We all need to continue learning and always ask how can we do this better? Those that are open to innovation and embracing technology will be the ones that lead the way. The ones that choose not to, could be left behind by an increasingly competitive market.

LawFest is the only place to prepare for the future

 With so much changing, and quickly, LawFest is the place to help all legal professionals prepare for the future.

The one-day event continues to be the only opportunity in New Zealand for the legal community to come together to network, collaborate, and learn about how to innovate and adapt to change – and to do so in person! With 20+ amazing speakers from New Zealand and abroad, the interactive programme will deliver practical insights of how to innovate and leverage technology to help you deliver legal services for today, and the future.

There is something for everyone at LawFest 24, from those new to technology, to those currently at the forefront of legal innovation, and everyone in between. Not to mention the only opportunity in New Zealand to see 30+ legal tech providers all under the one roof.

We get why we needed to adapt and innovate, come to LawFest on 7 March, in Auckland to see how you go about it!

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